ALE Actual Living English 實用生活美語
hurt ( 受傷;傷害 )
I hurt my back playing sports in university.

infection ( 感染;傳染 )
The infection was much more dangerous than the original wound.

burns ( 燒傷;灼傷 )
"After the fire, several people went to the hospital with severe burns."

EZ talk美語會話誌

每日 EZ Word    
Come to think of it, 那麼說來∕仔細想想,……

當你想到某件事情而有感而發時就可以說come to think of it, …,有時也表示某人「經過思考後而得出的結論」,可依情境的不同解釋成「那麼說來」或「仔細想想」。

今日會話 EZ Talk    
We're Getting Old!-2 青年更年期 

Eating breakfast

Billy: You make it sound like you're in your sixties!
Jennifer: My mind is twenty, and my body is forty.
Billy: Come to think of it, I have a much harder time getting up in the morning.
Jennifer: Tell me about it. It's like a “snooze-button fest”.
Billy: I used to jump out of bed. Now it 1)literally hurts to get out of bed sometimes.
Jennifer: And it's all 2)downhill from here. Wow. That's a lot of food.
Billy: Shoot me, I'm hungry. So what can we do about this aging 3)tragedy?
Jennifer: We can't stop the aging process, but we can try to slow it down.




1)literally (adv.) 簡直
2)downhill (a.) 向下的,走下坡的
3)tragedy (n.) 悲劇

How to Develop Your Writing Skills (part 1 of 6)

英文寫作技巧 (六段中的第一段)

Ask any professional writer, and he or she will tell you the same thing: Writing is hard work. If writing is such a chore in one's first language, how much more so in a second language!
But never fear; there's hope. You can refine your writing skills in English. All it takes is—you guessed it—practice.


⊙Word Bank

refine (v) 改善;琢磨

The Day's Phrase    

Even though the homework looked hard, it was easy as pie.


The Lost Civilization of Yonaguni


by Kevin Lustig

Humans have been building for a long time. Structures _(1)_ 6,000 years old have been discovered that were built by ancient Egyptians, Indians, Chinese, and Mesopotamians. However, even these very old cultures recorded legends of groups that lived long before. The stories tell of places like Atlantis, Thule, and Mu that _(2)_ terrible disasters and disappeared into the ocean.

In modern times, these are commonly thought to be _(3)_ more than folktales. However, a recent discovery is making scientists and historians think again. Off the shore of Yonaguni Island, just 125 kilometers east of Taiwan, divers discovered _(4)_ appeared to be a huge building underwater. Since the first sighting in 1987, teams of scientists have been back to reexamine the site many times. The structure seems to be about the same size as the Egyptian pyramids but may be nearly 3,500 years older than those famous monuments. This would make it the oldest building on the planet.

_(5)_ Yonaguni, as many as four sites have been discovered in the waters around Taiwan that appear man-made. Nothing is known about the civilization that might have built these sites, and scientists are not sure if they are the work of ancient people. More underwater detective work will have to be done _(6)_ anything is certain. However, as more is learned about these mysterious buildings, we may want to take another look at those old tales of cities _(7)_ beneath the waves.

1. (A) up to (B) due to (C) as well (D) as many
2. (A) pleased (B) embraced (C) suffered (D) contained
3. (A) something (B) nothing (C) everything (D) anything
4. (A) where (B) that (C) which (D) what
5. (A) Other than (B) Rather than (C) Less than (D) More than
6. (A) though (B) after (C) before (D) when
7. (A) vanishing (B) to vanish (C) vanished (D) vanish


1. Structures up to 6,000 years old have been discovered that...
a. (A) up to...  多達……(與數字並用)
例: Some types of turtles are known to live for up to 150 years.
(有些烏龜可以活到 150 歲之久。)
(B) due to...  由於……
例: We have a new security plan due to recent robberies at other banks.
(C) as well  也(置於句尾)
A as well as B  A 與 B(為對等連接詞)
例: Dave bought new furniture for his living room and a new TV as well.
例: Our school has students from Japan as well as other countries.
(D) as many 之後通常與 as 並用,形成 "as many as..."(和……一樣多)之用法。
b. 空格後有數字 6,000,根據上述用法,此處應置入 up to,表『長達六千多年歷史的建築物』,故 (A) 為正選。

2. The stories tell of places like Atlantis, Thule, and Mu that suffered terrible disasters and...
a. (A) please vt. 取悅
(B) embrace vt. 擁抱;接納
例: After being apart for years, the friends embraced each other at the airport.
(C) suffer vt. 遭受 & vi. 受苦;患病
suffer from...  受……(疾病)所苦
例: Sometimes I miss class because I suffer from really bad headaches.
(D) contain vt. 包含
b. 根據語意,可知應選 (C)。

3. In modern times, these are commonly thought to be nothing more than folktales.
a. 本空格測試下列固定用法:
be nothing more than + N  只不過是……
= be nothing but + N
= be just/only/merely + N
例: The spells David said he could perform were nothing more than magic tricks.
b. 根據上述用法,故選 (B) nothing。無 "be something/everything/anything more than + N" 的用法,故 (A)、(C)、(D) 均不可選。

4. ...divers discovered what appeared to be a huge building underwater.
a. (A) where 為修飾地方的關係副詞,其後須接完整的子句,然空格後的子句尚缺主詞,故 (A) 不可選。
例: I had no idea where my little sister had gone.
b. (B) that 雖可引導名詞子句,作為其前及物動詞 discovered(發現)的受詞,然該子句須為一完整句構,故 (B) 不可選。
例: I can conclude that Tim was the murderer.
c. (C) which 為關係代名詞,使用時其前須有先行詞(名詞),空格前為動詞 discovered 而無名詞,故 (C) 不可選。
例: This is the book which I bought yesterday.
d. (D) what 為複合關係代名詞,等於 the thing(s) which,使用時其前不須有先行詞,且 what 置入空格後,亦可作及物動詞 discovered 的受詞,符合語意、用法,故 (D) 為正選。
例: Tell me what happened in detail.

5. Other than Yonaguni, as many as four sites have been discovered...
a. (A) other than...  除了……(以外)
例: Other than painting, Carla has many talents like singing and photography.
(B) rather than...  而非∕與其……
例: Rather than stay home and cook, let's go out to eat tonight.
(C) less than...  少於……
(D) more than...  多於……
b. 根據語意,應是表『除了』與那國島,在台灣周圍海域底下還發現了四座遺跡,可知應選 (A)。

6. More underwater detective work will have to be done before anything is certain.
a. 空格前後均為完整的子句,得知此處應置入連接詞加以連接。
b. 選項均為副詞連接詞,(A) though 表『雖然』、(B) after 表『之後』、(C) before 表『之前』、(D) when 表『當……時』,然根據語意,可知應選 before,表『在任何事情能確定之前,還有許多偵查工作尚待完成』,故選 (C)。

7. ...we may want to take another look at those old tales of cities vanishing beneath the waves.
a. 空格前省略了 which,本句實等於:
...take another look at those old tales of cities which vanished beneath the waves.
b. 限定修飾的形容詞子句中,若關係代名詞為主詞時,該子句可化簡為分詞片語,化簡原則如下:
1) 刪除關係代名詞;
2) 之後的動詞變成現在分詞;
3) 若動詞為 be 動詞,變成現在分詞 being 後可省 略。
例: I mistook the girl (who was) standing there for your sister.
c. 根據上述,可知應選 (A) vanishing。
d. vanish vi. 突然不見;消失
vanish into thin air  憑空消失
例: The ship sailed away and vanished into thin air. It was never seen again.


1. tell of...  (書本等)描述∕敘述……
例: The children found an old book that told of a hidden cave filled with treasure.

2. discovery n. 發現
make a discovery  發現
例: Dr. Isaacs is famous for having made many discoveries in cancer research.

3. off the shore of...  在……外海
= off the coast of...
例: Many people on the beach saw the plane crash off the coast of our island.

4. 表距離的名詞 + 方向 + of + 某地  位於某地……方向……(之遠)處
例: Kaohsiung is situated about three hundred kilometers south of Taipei.

5. detective a. 偵查的 & n. 偵探
detect vt. 察覺;偵查
例: Special machines have been put in the airport to detect explosive material.


1. civilization n. 文明
2. structure n. 建築物
3. discover vt. 發現
4. Mesopotamian n. 美索不達米亞人 & a. 美索不達米亞的
5. disaster n

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