ALE Actual Living English 實用生活美語
protein ( 蛋白質 )
Start your day with some protein and you'll have more energy.

junk food ( 垃圾食物 )
Too much junk food will ruin your diet.

regimen ( 有規律的;支配;自然情態 )
We started an exercise regimen to get in shape for the hike.

EZ talk美語會話誌

每日 EZ Word    
We're doomed. 我們慘了。

doom這個字有「失敗,毀滅」的意思。當預見一件事情的結果不妙,下場很不樂觀,We're doomed.這句話就表示「我們慘了。」或是「我們死定了。」

今日會話 EZ Talk     
Around the World -2

An Inconvenient Truth or a Convenient Half-truth?

An Inconvenient Truth, Al Gore's presentation-style documentary, has probably done more to raise awareness about climate change than, well, anything. However, 1)reaction to it has been extremely 2)divided. On one side are the loyal supporters who 3)assert that all the movie's 4)speculations are as 5)solid as proven scientific fact. On the other are the skeptics who note that much of Gore's conclusions are 6)inferences, and are not backed up with hard evidence. Although many 7)climatologists have spoken up in favor of the film, the debate around it is likely to continue creating a whole lot of 8)hot air.



1) reaction (n.) 反應
2) divided (a.) 意見紛歧的
3) assert (v.) 宣稱
4) speculation (n.) 推斷,臆測
5) solid (a.) 堅定的,可靠的
6) inference (n.) 推斷
7) climatologist (n.) 氣候學家,climatology (n.) 氣候學
8) hot air 空洞的話語

Don't Read This! (part 5 of 6)

別讀這篇文章 (六段中的第五段)

4. Looking for the main idea. Even when you don't grasp everything, you can still find the main point. Think: What is the author really trying to say?
5. Summarizing. Try to make a brief mental summary that gives the general idea of the text.

4. 先找出中心思想。甚至當你還未掌握每一件細節之時,你仍能發掘文中的要點。想想看:作者到底要說些什麼?
5. 作摘要。試著在心裡做一個能掌握文章大意的簡短的概論。

⊙Word Bank

grasp (v) 理解;領會
summarize (v) 摘要;概述

The Day's Phrase    

Bryan likes to consider his music ahead of the times just because he can't find anyone who likes it now.


A Kiss Isn't Just a Kiss 送你一個吻

by Marcus Maurice

Kissing is one of human beings' most frequently misunderstood acts. Particularly when people from different cultures meet, this common action can cause some major embarrassment if done _(1)_. This is because kissing can display levels of respect or emotion that _(2)_ culture to culture.
Kissing is thought to have started when parents chewed up food and then fed the soft _(3)_ to a baby or small child. Anthropologists believe that this happened in every culture before baby foods became _(4)_ in the marketplace.

Kissing friends and family members is called a social kiss and it has many variations. Many adults give a smooch to loved ones, but _(5)_ on culture or family, it can be on the lips or on the cheek. In some groups, one or a pair of kisses are given on the cheek as a friendly _(6)_ and may even be shared by those who have just met.

A ceremonial kiss is more formal, and popular in European countries. When leaders of countries or other higher-ups meet, they give a quick peck on both cheeks. This kiss _(7)_ the goodwill between the two parties the people are representing. Furthermore, a kiss can be the ultimate _(8)_ of romance. Kissing someone we love can be a thrilling way to show our affection. Native Americans believed that exhaling breath into another person would help _(9)_ their souls.

Whether social, ceremonial, or romantic, kisses _(10)_ people's desire to join together. The kiss is one of the most popular social practices in the world today. It is safe to say that almost all adults have felt the soft touch of a pair of lips on their own.

(A) greeting (B) common (C) symbolizes (D) vary from (E) expression
(F) arose from (G) combine (H) depending (I) remains (J) incorrectly

1. ...this common action can cause some major embarrassment if done incorrectly.
a. 空格前 if 引導的副詞子句省略了與前句相同的主詞,原句應為:
...this common action can cause some major embarrassment if this common action is done...
b. 根據上述,原句空格前的 if done 實等於 if this common action is done(如果這種普遍的行為被做)。由於 is done(被做)是動詞詞組,故應以副詞修飾。選項中僅 (J) incorrectly(不正確地)為副詞,故為正選。
c. incorrectly adv. 不正確地

2. ...kissing can display levels of respect or emotion that vary from culture to culture.
a. 空格前有關係代名詞 that 代替其前的複數名詞 levels of respect or emotion。此處 that 作主詞,此外,由於本段時態均為現在式,得知空格應置入現在式複數動詞。
b. 選項中僅 (D) vary from(隨……不同)與 (G) combine(結合)為現在式複數動詞,唯根據語意,(D) 應為正選。
c. vary  從……到……有所不同
例: Fans of Jay Chou vary from very young children to grandparents.

3. ...when parents chewed up food and then fed the soft remains to a baby or small child.
a. 空格前有定冠詞 the 和形容詞 soft(柔軟的),可知空格應置入名詞。
b. 選項中為名詞的有 (A) greeting(問候)、(E) expression(表現)及 (I) remains(剩餘物),但僅 remains 置入後符合語意,故 (I) 為正選。
c. remains n. 剩餘的物品(恆用複數)

4. ...this happened in every culture before baby foods became common in the marketplace.
a. 空格前有不完全不及物動詞 became(變成),其後應置名詞或形容詞作主詞補語。
b. 符合上述條件的選項有 (A) greeting(問候)、(B) common(普遍的)及 (E) expression(表達),但僅 common 置入後符合語意,故 (B) 為正選。
c. common a. 普遍的

5. ...but depending on culture or family, it can be on the lips or on the cheek.
a. 本空格測試下列固定用法:
Depending on..., S + V  視……而定,……
例: Depending on your mood, we can go out tonight or just stay home.
b. 根據上述,故選 (H)。

6. In some groups, one or a pair of kisses are given on the cheek as a friendly greeting...
a. 空格前有不定冠詞 a 和形容詞 friendly(友善的),可知空格內應置入單數名詞。
b. 選項 (A) greeting(問候)為單數名詞,置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. greeting n. 問候,打招呼

7. The kiss symbolizes the goodwill between the two parties the people are representing.
a. 空格前的名詞 kiss(親吻)為本句的主詞,其後的名詞 the goodwill(善意)為受詞,可知此處應置入第三人稱單數及物動詞。
b. 選項 (C) symbolizes(象徵)符合上述條件,置入後語意通順,故為正選。
c. symbolize vt. 象徵
例: This gift symbolizes the long friendship our two countries have had.

8. Furthermore, a kiss can be the ultimate expression of romance.
a. 空格前有定冠詞 the 和形容詞 ultimate(終極的),可知空格應置入名詞。
b. 選項 (E) expression(表現)為名詞,且置入後亦符合語意,故為正選。
c. expression n. 表現,表達

9. ...believed that exhaling breath into another person would help combine their souls.
a. 空格前有動詞 help,而 help 可用於下列句構:
help (to) V  幫助……
例: Could you help (to) do the dishes?
b. 根據上述,(G) combine(結合)為原形及物動詞,之後的 their souls(他們的靈魂)作其受詞,合乎語意及文法,故 (G) 為正選。
c. combine vt. 結合
combine A with B  結合 A 與 B
例: If we combine these two classes, there will be too many students.

10. Whether social, ceremonial, or romantic, kisses arose from people's desire to join together.
a. 根據判斷,空格前的名詞 kisses(親吻)是主詞,空格後的名詞 people's desire(人們的欲望)是受詞,得知空格應置複數及物動詞或及物片語動詞。
b. 選項中僅剩 (F) arose from(起因於)為片語動詞,置入後亦符合語意,故 (F) 應為正選。
c. arise from...  起因於……
= result from...
arise 動詞三態:arise, arose, arisen。
例: Social problems like violence arise from poverty.

1. misunderstand vt. 誤會
本文中的 misunderstood(被誤解的)為過去分詞作形容詞用。
例: I think you misunderstood what I said.

2. display vt. 展現;陳列
例: The painter displayed his latest works in the art gallery.

3. chew up.../chew...up  嚼碎∕咀嚼……
例: I don't have my homework today because my dog chewed it up.
* 這是美國小朋友沒寫作業時經常用的藉口。
chew 尚有下列重要用法:
bite off more than one can chew
例: When he took that difficult job, he bit off more than he could chew.

4. share vt. 分享
share sth with sb  和某人分享某物
例: Billy is very generous; he always shares his toys with his friends.

5. represent vt. 代表
例: I would be proud to represent my country at the Olympics.

6. exhale vt. & vi. 呼出
inhale vt. & vi. 吸進
例: I need to buy a mask because I inhale a lot of dust when riding my scooter.

7. It is safe to say + that 子句  說……準不會錯,可以肯定地說……
例: It is safe to say that any small child would love to go to Disneyland.


1. frequently adv. 頻繁,常常
2. particularly adv. 尤其
3. embarrassment n. 尷尬,難為情
4. emotion n. 情感
5. anthropologist n. 人類學家
6. marketplace n. 市場
7. variation n. 變化
8. smooch n. 親吻
9. cheek n. 臉頰
10. friendly a. 友善的
11. ceremonial a. 禮儀(上)的
12. formal a. 正式的
13. higher-up n. 高層人物
14. peck n. 輕啄
15. goodwill n. 善意
16. ultimate a. 最大的,終極的
17. thrilling a. 令人興奮的
18. affection n. 感情
19. romantic a. 愛情的,浪漫的
20. practice n.(社會的)慣例,習俗



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